Dr. Judy Schavrien, artist and psychotherapist, lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. Born and bred in New York City, she studied in Chicago with the late Harold Rosenberg, art critic for The New Yorker and advocate for the Abstract Expressionists. She considers herself a Figurative Expressionist and puts the accent on a painter's mark, as if nerves were unsheathedthose of the artist and of the subject. The marks often convey personal and political dislocation. She prizes the painters of soul as wellRembrandt, Van Gogh, Alice Neel. Soul is the grounding.
With fifteen awards for her work in the arts, many national and international, she has been featured in cover stories and anthologies. She most recently worked for Refugee Education and Learning near the Moria Camp in Lesvos, Greece, as their Artist in Residence; and her work appeared in the digital exhibit, at San Francisco's de Young Museum, for "Alice Neel: People Come First." Her books may be found on Amazon.
Books: what rhymes with cancer?; Alice at the Rabbithole Cafe; Everything Voluptuous; Shot AwakeA Painter's Memoir; The New Ancient Greeks; Life InterruptedPortraits in a Late Style
Included in these Anthologies: Embracing the Reaper (Journal of Transpersonal Psychology); New Lesbian Writing; Amazon Allstars.
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